Puppy Training

Puppy Training

Buying a puppy is a large investment, both financially and emotionally. From the training, toys, and vet visits to the immense love and lifestyle change they bring to your life. It is important to make sure that your puppy receives the best training that you can possibly offer. Making the right decision on which training program to invest in will ensure a happy, long-lasting and stress-free life for both you and your puppy! This is why we offer the best puppy training programs! 

If you have a puppy, the time to start training is now!

Did you know an 8-week old puppy is just as capable of learning as an adult dog?

Our puppy training program is designed with dog behavior in mind. We understand that these puppy months are critical in your dog’s long-term behavioral development. We know how to guide you in the right direction!

Puppy Training with Sally Said So goes above and beyond basic puppy training classes and puppy socialization classes. We will cover all of the basic topics you’d expect with puppy training such as housebreaking, basic commands, appropriate outlets for chewing, crate training, integration with other dogs, and more! We will show YOU, the owner, how to customize a consistent regiment using your unique lifestyle and schedule.

Our training companion app supports your puppy’s housebreaking with a journal to log potty breaks, feedings, playtime, and more.

Our private and convenient in-home puppy training classes are scheduled in your home. This allows our certified trainer to provide one-on-one guidance in the following areas:

  • Housebreaking
  • How to stop inappropriate chewing
  • Preventing nipping and biting
  • Teaching basic obedience commands
  • How to integrate a puppy into a multi-dog household
  • Puppy crate training
  • Safe social strategies
  • How to handle puppy personalities such as fearful, hyperactive, or nervous
  • Creating a set routine for the puppy
  • Learning how to manage the routine long term
  • How to effectively communicate with your puppy
  • Support through your puppy’s development into a teenager

How your puppy learns

Your puppy will learn very quickly! It’s important that they learn how to behave correctly right from the start. Puppies learn by observation, direct, and indirect interactions within their environment. Every time you look at, talk to, and touch your puppy they are learning something. During the critical socialization window their experiences can shape their long-term behavior. With repetition, reward, and consequence, behavioral patterns will begin to take shape. Let us help you ensure that those are positive patterns that fit within your lifestyle.

Dogs will learn by association, so if your puppy does something right you should reward them. Then, the action is more likely to be repeated. But the reward itself must be linked to the action, so they must be rewarded promptly, within a couple of seconds. The reward can be praise or a few kibbles of puppy food or a toy. Our trainers can help you identify the best reward for your puppy.

Your puppy needs to be taught what they can and cannot do. Unfortunately, puppies do not come equipped with a moral compass. You will need to show them what is okay. Many behaviors can be overlooked at this age, but it’s important you address excessive behavior properly to avoid dangerous behaviors when they’re older.

We proudly offer puppy training throughout North Carolina

Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss your dog’s needs today

I don’t have a puppy yet, but I’m researching trainers in preparation of getting one

Excellent! We love a pro-active approach to dog ownership. We offer a Pre-Purchase Consultation service for those looking to get a puppy. We can help you find the right puppy and prepare your home for their arrival! A professional trainer will assess your lifestyle, personality, home environment, schedule, and long-term goals to help you choose the right puppy for your needs. Are you a lap dog kind of person? Are you an active, outdoorsy person? Do you have the room for that Great Dane? When choosing a puppy, many soon-to-be-owners want the “cutest” one of the bunch. However, the cutest one might not match with what you want long term. Think of it like a puppy match maker service!